
The Peaceday Youth Assembly is an initiative led by young change-makers and UN Youth delegates who are stepping up to address the burning question: 

“How can we mobilize at scale, and accelerate the collaborative action needed, to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?”

Right now, we are experiencing an unprecedented planetary emergency, caused by climate change, converging catastrophes and major geopolitical conflictsBeing young in times like this can feel daunting, but we choose to see the crisis as an opportunity for the next generation to step up and take action. 

UN’s Summit of the Future, which is scheduled for September 22-23 this year, is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us to make our voices heard. Prior to the Summit in New York – On the International Day of Peace the 21st of September – we will organize a special gathering with futurists, innovators, artists and indigenous Elders. 

The event will take place on Youth Island – a former sea fortress outside Copenhagen, which has been taken over by the youth and turned into a unique gathering place for innovators and change makers.

When the sun sets on Peaceday 2024, we will light a bonfire in a demolished gun position overlooking the sea from the highest point of the Island. As dusk falls, we will invite the Elders to step into the circle and share their stories and concerns for our common future. 

The knowledge the Elders have inherited, through ceremonies, songs, and oral history, speaks in a compelling way to the geopolitical conflicts and critical environmental issues that currently are affecting all life on the planet. Simultaneously, we are experiencing incredible breakthroughs in science and technology that could lead to a brighter future for humanity – if we act with compassion and choose wisely what we are to become…

The Peaceday 2024 gathering on Youth Island will culminate with a live concert including music and dance performances spanning from ancient songs and chants to contemporary music performed by artists from diverse backgrounds. The concert will be live-streamed to a global audience and linked to similar events on other continents, creating a vibration that ripples out across the world.

The purpose of it all, is to send a powerful message to the world leaders, who have been summoned to forge a new global consensus at UN’s Summit of the Future in New York.

More details about the program are coming soon!

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